Thursday, May 31, 2018

Friday, May 25, 2018

Oil Prices & Russia.. !!

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

NASA's Journey to Mars

NASA's Journey to Mars: Images, videos and news about NASA's Journey to Mars with Orion spacecraft and Space Launch System.

Ask yourself.. what is Aim of your Creation.. !!

The Hidden/ Clear Game..

Leaders of the big Powers are Rushing to Influence the Facebook boss .. In order to Play with them hidden game .. But it is not hidden at all !!

هو الله... 🕊

The Story is You.. 🕊

My longevity is stronger than the days .. Even the darkness I will draw dreams .. The story is you
My longevity is stronger than the days .. Even the darkness I will draw dreams .. The story is you

صدقة السر تطفئ غضب الرب 🕊

Ever Thing You Need is Inside You.. ✔

Friday, May 18, 2018

قصة قصيرة .. على لسان الدكتور أحمد عكاشة بروفيسور الطب النفسي و اخو ثروت عكاشة أحد الظباط الأحرار لثورة ٢٣ يوليو ١٩٥٢ .. عندما التقى بالزعيم جمال عبد الناصر و هو كان يدرس الطب النفسي فقال له عبد الناصر لماذا تدرس الطب النفسي الا تعلم بأني الإشتراكية تجعلكل الناس تشعر بالمسواة و حب الحياة.. هذه المقولة تعكس مدى حب و إخلاص و اقتناع الزعيم جمال عبد الناصر والاشتراكية و التكمال و التعاون المصري و العربي المشترك .
short story .. On the tongue of Dr. Ahmed Okasha Professor of Psychiatry and brother of Tharwat Okasha, one of the Free Officers of the revolution of July 23, 1952 .. When he met with the leader Gamal Abdel Nasser and he was studying psychiatry Nasser told him why study psychiatry not to know that socialism make All people feel the equality and love of life .. This statement reflects the love and sincerity and conviction of the leader Gamal Abdel Nasser and socialism and the completion and cooperation of Egypt and the Arab common.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Royal Weading.. Congratulations. Harry & Meghan 💝👑

Friday, May 4, 2018

Chance of Success 🎖

Mousetrap tightening

Escape or lack of interest in the case circle around us, both in the middle East, or the world will not longer is the perfect solution for the citizen Arab normal or limited interest himself and there's  family only .. the mousetrap tightening every day on the other..!!

17 Sustainable Development Goals 🎯

Thursday, May 3, 2018

The United Nations Messengers of Peace

United Nations Messengers of Peace are distinguished individuals, carefully selected from the fields of art, literature, science, entertainment, sports or other fields of public life, who have agreed to help focus worldwide attention on the work of the United Nations. Backed by the highest honour bestowed by the Secretary-General on a global citizen, these prominent personalities volunteer their time, talent and passion to raise awareness of United Nations efforts to improve the lives of billions of people everywhere.

Sure We Can ✔